LIBE 465 Assignment #3

Improving Access to Library Resources With a Library Website

Background and Rationale
Acwsalcta School library has a new space and a new look after the 2011 school renovation, and a new librarian. As the library’s standards continue to improve, and as resources become updated, so too must the library prepare to expand beyond its walls to the resource-rich world of the internet. This is a time when students are becoming more and more familiar with using the internet for research and information, and teachers are turning to the internet for researching their units and lesson plans. It is important to bridge the physical world of books and resources in the library with the wider world out there on the internet. What better way to do this than by creating a library website?

Because the library and the computer lab are separate, and because library classes only come one block per week, a website will support both reading literacy and information literacy beyond what is possible in the limited time with classes, and also help  integrate library resources with internet resources. The website will be the link  between the physical reality of books in the limited physical world of the library with the limitless tools and resources available from the world of cyberspace. No longer will carefully selected resources be limited by time in library and library class, but will be available any time.

The library collection is now automated with L4U library software, and the collection is a searchable entity. This begins the transition from the physical presence of books to an online presence, a searchable database with collocating features. This is a transition to the new world of finding information through online catalogues, a skill that is important for searching any library, including today’s virtual libraries. The link to the library OPAC will be one of the main links on the library website. This will help make students more self-sufficient in locating resources, both physical resources in the library, as well as selected resources, chosen by the librarian, on the website.

A website will present prescreened and preselected resources in a variety of formats, and can also be used to communicate to the many users, including students, teachers, and parents,  in many different ways. Just a few of the many possibilities include:
·      Book reviews to advertise the newest books in the library;
·      Links to author’s website and booktrailers;
·      A special events page to talk about what’s going on in the library;
·      Special theme pages for events such as Dr. Seuss’s birthday party, showing Suess books in the library, and links to interesting Dr. Seuss websites for students, as well as to lesson plans for teachers;
·      Presentations of students’ research projects;
·      Reference tools such as online dictionaries;
·      Web 2.0 information and links.

The possibilities are endless. The ‘library’ can now become a limitless resource.

A website is another way to help improve organization of learning resources. As well as using library books as resources, prescreened and preselected web resources can be linked to curriculum and become part of a larger collection. These linked internet resources will require organization to be functional; a website can provide a number of ways to structure and link these resources so that students and teachers can find and use these resources.

A library website will provide improves awareness of resources in the library through promotion of selected resources, and thus they will become more accessible and circulation will increase. The website can make references to where the resources are located in the library, and help students independently find what they’re looking for.

The Plan

The initial creation of the website will only take a few weeks. The initial set-up will be to establish a basic format for the website. However, as discussed below, the website will be constantly changing, work on the site will be ongoing, and the site will be dynamic and constantly updated to reflect the needs of all its users.

Initial Set-up
The timeline to set up the initial website will be three weeks, to be completed before spring break (March 23, 2012).
·      The first task is to look at a number of elementary school websites and blogs, and find out what other people put on their school library websites, and see how they are organized.
·      The next task is to create the website using  This will involve a number of steps:

1.     Determining the essential elements to include as the main heading tabs;
2.     Organizing the sub-headings under the main subject tabs.
3.     Creating a visual aesthetic so that the site is attractive and easy to navigate.
4.     Integrate a blog into the website.

Ongoing Updating
This website will be dynamic, constantly changing to reflect the needs of the librarian, students, teachers, parents, and the community.
·      The website will require ongoing management by the Teacher Librarian. This will involve updating sections with new information from both personal research, as well as student and teacher recommendations. It will reflect what’s new in the library, events, as well as showcase student work related to books (book reviews, for example), photos, videos, etc.
·      The Teacher Librarian will include work by students, including book reviews, research presentations, and favorite websites.

The only real ‘cost’ for this project is librarian and tech time. Some interesting and useful internet sites are available by subscription; however, I will avoid any such costs, as there are enough sites out there that are free.

1) Computers and High-Speed Internet
Computers are, of course, the link between the tangible world of books in the library and the online world. The school has up-to-date computers, and relatively high-speed internet. However, because of our remote location, there are a number of factors that make internet use less than optimal, and planning the website would need to reflect this limitation:
·      The speed of the internet varies, and can be intermittent depending on weather;
·      High volume use at any one time means that internet speed is slow, and downloading or streaming videos is often not possible;
·      Frequent power outages also means disruption, requiring the computers in the school be reset by the tech.

School computers available for using the website:
·      Librarian/Library use: there are currently four computers in the library: one for the librarian, one for the library server, and two which are currently being used only for cataloging and accelerated reader quizzes. Currently, they are located in an out-of-the-way corner of the library, the initial rationale being so that kids wouldn’t come in and fool around on them, and so that use was more controlled. However, a library catalogue will expand the range of activities the computers can be used for, and they will need to be moved to a more accessible location.
·      Student use: computer lab/classrooms/library. There are twenty computers in the computer lab, each teacher has a computer, and classrooms generally have two to three computers for students use.  There is also a mobile set of laptop computers that can be signed out for class use.

As our school services a poor community, it cannot be assumed that families have home computers.  Most families cannot afford up-to-date computers or the monthly internet fees, so it is really the computer lab and classroom computers which would be used to access the library website, rather than assuming it would be accessed at home.

2) A Website Platform – There are many choices for creating an online presence, including blogs, wikis, and websites. I have created several blogs using, and, as well as one wiki using The website format will suit this project, as it is easy to organize using subject heading tabs and subheadings, and the linear and hierarchical nature of the website format.

3) Digital camera 
Use of the school digital camera will be for taking pictures of events, students’ art, library displays, etc. The camera can also be used to film video clips to include on the website. Students can learn how to use the digital camera and upload photos to the website as documentation for research projects and other library events and activities, and to create online applications such as animoto videos or voicethread presentations.

4) Linked Accounts
All the various accounts used for this project need to be linked to one email account. Currently, there is an email account for the library/librarian, and the website and other Web 2.0 accounts need to all use the same email and password. This prevents confusion, and also makes the website and associated accounts easy to pass on to another librarian at some point in the future.

1) The tech person
The tech expert is needed to help integrate the library website onto the school website and make sure that the L4U library catalog link functions on the website as well. The tech person will also assist with moving the library computers to a new location so that they are more accessible for increased use by students and staff. The tech person is also responsible for maintaining the computers, optimizing internet speed, as well as ensuring that the library server is appropriately backed up.

2) Teachers
Teachers will be one of the main sources of input for content on the website. They will also be useful for providing suggestions and feedback about the website and how it is working. They will need to be familiarized with the website and its various uses so that it becomes a tool they are familiar with and will use. Teachers are also an important link between the students and the website.

3) Students
Students will be the real beneficiaries of the website. They must be given explicit instruction for how to navigate and use the website, and depending on their age, they will be directed only to specific areas of the website. Instruction can be provided by the teacher librarian in the library, and students can also use the website to access curriculum links during their computer lab time with their classroom teacher.

The main challenge for creating and maintaining a website is the availability of librarian time to dedicate to the project. Currently, the library collection is being re-catalogued due to a server crash in 2010, and this is the priority at this time.

In the future, the librarian should schedule time to devote to researching online resources, and updating and maintaining the library website. Time is also needed to network with teachers to ensure that the website is meeting their needs, and to add any links that are particularly relevant. As well, time is necessary to promote the website, and demonstrate any new technologies on the website, such as animoto, prezi, bitstrips and other Web 2.0 tools. Ensuring that computer lab time is available and working with teachers as they use their computer lab time to check out the library website and activities on the website with students is also important.

Ongoing time and planning will be needed to integrate library resources and activities with the website, as well as designing student library activities that can integrate with the website.

Other Challenges
Initial challenges will be:
·      Learning various new web tools and applications;
·      Creating/designing/organizing the website;
·      Creating a delicious site to include on the website;
·      Researching websites which support K – 12 curriculum for both students and teachers.

During implementation challenges will be:
·      Training everyone to use the website. This will require orienting students in each grade as well as teachers. For the students, initial demonstrations can be given on the two library computers during library class time.
·      Scheduling time in the computer lab, and implementing a series of short lessons  to teach students how to use the website and library catalog.

After implementation challenges will be:
·      Ongoing time necessary to research online resources and update the website.
·      Ongoing promotion of the website and the library by updating the  “What’s New” section of the website.
·      Time provided for students to access the website in a meaningful, directed way in the computer lab with their teachers.

1) Students
This will be the fun part. The reality is, kids love computers, and since most of the students at the school don’t have computers at home, using the computer at school is a big deal. Once the website is established, an event could be planned to highlight that now there is a special website just for Acwsalcta School Library. Students will be impressed with this fact, as well as with the content, and that they can be part of the website by contributing in different ways. Students will be introduced to the website through library demonstrations, and computer lab class time. Students will also be able to access the website through their classroom computers. Whenever there is something new on the website, this can also be promoted with the students.

2) Teachers
Teachers are busy people. Finding time to communicate with them will be arranged to fit in with their schedule, and announcements and information can be communicated through school email. The Teacher Librarian will be available to give teachers a tour of the website, or teachers can explore the website on their own.

3) Parents
Communication with parents can be through the parents’ club. This is a monthly evening meeting. A brief demonstration can be given at one of their meetings, and this could be combined with a talk on the library in general.  This same demonstration and talk could be given to the education board as well.

For children, the library is still a magical place filled with wonderful books: beautiful picture books for story time, learn-to-read books for young readers, graphic novels for preteens, and current novels of many different genres for teen readers. Students continue to love books about animals and I Spy books, and they enjoy the seasonal books as they are displayed for special occasions such as Easter and Earth Day. The First Nations section has many wonderful books, books which reflect the culture of First Nations people from around the world, the aboriginal world of the Nuxalk students and staff at Acwsalcta school.

But now, the ‘library’ can and must extend far beyond the physical walls of the school. With careful selection and ongoing management, appropriate online resources can become part of a well-managed library collection, and can enhance and enrich the physical limitations of the school library. The library website is the link between two worlds. With carefully chosen resources, the library website can be a timesaver for students and teachers; with careful weeding, it can be kept up-to-date and useful for all its users, supporting curriculum and learning, and helping to create lifelong learners for the twenty-first century.

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